The University of New Brunswick has a strong tourism program where you can learn everything you need to know to work in this industry. Considering that tourism in the Maritimes is picking up each and every year – there would be no better place to do your education than a school like the University of New Brunswick.
The province of Saskatchewan is another place in Canada where tourism is picking up and the market is strong. At the Saskatchewan Institute of Applied Science and Technology they have an interesting tourism program that will allow you to work in that province, or any where in Canada.
Seeing the popularity and interest that many people all over the world have in the Aboriginal culture of Canada, the Native Education Centre in British Columbia offers Aboriginal people a chance to enter the tourism industry and to enter a field where they can share their culture with others.
Toronto being one of the busiest tourist attractions in Canada, George Brown College has a excellent tourism program that attracts many students each and every year. It is an extremely popular program.
With the Discover Ontario advertisements that play throughout Canada, it is not just Toronto where chances to get into the tourism industry exist. Canadore College in North Bay offers a great tourism program that is so popular that they have people traveling from other places around the world to take the program.
Again in the Maritimes, the Nova Scotia Community College offers a tourism program.
As well, in the western part of Canada, there are so many tourism programs to choose from. The College of the Rockies in Cranbrook, British Columbia offers a terrific tourism program. So does SAIT Polytechnic in Calgary, Alberta.
If you are looking for a fun and interesting tourism program that is a little different, you may be interested in the University of the Fraser Valley that specializes in adventure tourism. As well, moving back to Ontario, Fleming College offers an ecotourism and adventure tourism program in Haliburton, Ontario that is a program that answers to the needs of our changing planet.
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