Borobudur is a temple which rise out and founded on Menoreh hills. It stretch out from East to west, side by side with Merbabu Mountain & Merapi mountain on East, Sumbing Mountain & Sindoro Mountain on west and also Menoreh hill is spread out on north west. Meanwhile, north side (Magelang city) is surroundings by Telomoyo Mountain and Ungaran Mountain. It's describe about whole spirit to honour Ing Gusti (letter from Dr. Beda Scramm to Mamoque). Choosing an exact location was combining from logical and universe. Epygraph approach was inspired from many ancient inscriptions which still exist.
The bottom of borobudur was called KAMADHATU, as a symbol of human who strict with their passion. The next Four steps was called RUPADHATU, as a symbol of human who already release from passion but still strict with things. Budha statue was put in this level / steps . Therefore, three steps above where Budha was put in a hole statue called ARUPADHATU, as a symbol of human who already free from passion and things. The highest level called ARUPA, symbol of heaven where Budha lives.
Every steps / levels had a beautiful reliefs which show us how expert the creator made it. This reliefs could be read squencely if you walk following clock period (Left way from entrance). Borobudur reliefs tell us about a legendary fairytale, RAMAYANA. Therefore, there is a relief which show us the condition of the people at that time. For example, relief about farmer activity which reflected of agricultural system progress. Sailboat reliefs representated voyage progress where concentrate in Bergotta (Semarang). The whole reliefs reflected Budha's teachings. Therefore, this temple was made as a education media for people who wants to learn Budha's teachings.
Nobody knows when exactly this temple was build. There's no written evidence. To determine Borobudur's age, considered to it plain pattern from 8th Century . Since it built in 8th century, Borobudur history was rise and sink.
From ancient inscription in 842 BC, Casparis summarized that Borobudur full name is Bhumisambharabhuddhara, means "Mountais of ten levels from Bodhisattva goodness." With Gunadharma as an architect. Not less from 500 books was written by Indonesian and foreign sculptor about Borobudur, unfortunately there's differ opinions between archeolog and sculptor. When Borobudur was build, who made it and how long the holy hill for Buddhist was used. Was it dissapear, burried by persons or another reasons? All this questions are still looking to get an exact answer through history evidence.
One thing that unique, this temple obviously has an interesting architecture formation or mathematicsly stucturized. Each section of foot, body and head has proportion 4 : 6 : 9. Stupa's placing also has their own meaning. In addition, there's some reliefs was considered has relation with astronomy. It makes Borobudur become a historical evidence which attractive to be observed. One of this theory cold be seen on site
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